Platelet Clumping (Pseudothrombocytopenia) Question
Challenge yourself with this interesting clinical case and question of a patient with platelet clumping or pseudothrombocytopenia
Challenge yourself with this interesting clinical case and question of a patient with platelet clumping or pseudothrombocytopenia
We review advanced tests in hematology including hemoglobin electrophoresis, plasma cell markers, flow cytometry, molecular testing, and some imaging modalities including PET/CT scan, skeletal surveys, and Doppler ultrasonography
Learn about the bone marrow examination and its importance in clinical practice. We describe the main considerations to learn about this relevant procedure
Learn about the essential equipment, preparation steps, and systematic approach for interpreting peripheral blood smears—a vital clinical diagnostic tool
A description of the most frequent and important tests performed in hematology for the assessment of patients. A guide for trainees and other healthcare providers.
Review of the most important considerations in the history and physical examination of patients in hematology. The importance of a correct clinical evaluation.
What is classical hematology? its role in healthcare, career development, mentorship, and career opportunities. An exciting and evolving field!
Peripheral smear from a 90-year-old female who presented to the hospital with confusion and shortness of breath and was found to have a significantly elevated white blood cell count to 140 K/UL, hemoglobin 9.1g/dL, and platelets 52 K Her differential…
Learn about blood transfusion thresholds and considerations for blood product administration. A quick reference guide
Peripheral smear of a patient with a history of prostate cancer and admitted with liver failure and signs of liver disease. His laboratory workup showed signs consistent with hemolysis and his smear seen above showed marked red blood cell abnormalities.…